
Haiku Friday: The Grocery Store

Check out the Binky Bitch for more inspiring haiku.

The grocery store is
not my favorite place to be
when Lovebug is mad

He screams and he kicks
some odd people stop and stare
tantrums new to them

I can't carry him
and push the cart in the aisles
to pick up our things

He wants to be up
now he wants to be way down
maybe a fun snack?

Must keep shopping now
ignore the temper tantrum
just get finished

quit staring at me
he is not hurt or broken
he just wants his way

where are the bagels
why did they move the cream cheese
did I get apples?

give praise to my girl
get kicked by the Lovebug
where is the darn list

Oh fudge it, I quit
let's just get out of here now
oh fab, it's raining

how much did I spend
I didn't even buy wine
is it nap time yet

I cleaned the fridge
put everything a way
now they nap, I read


AnGlOpHiLe FoOtBaLl FaNaTiC said...

Oh, love those people who think badly of you. And, the ones who actually talk down to you? SMACK! I hope you got everything you needed.

Leslie said...

Oh, I can relate. I love how you can write a post entirely in haiku. You're awesome!