Except for last night. Because night off #3 was not for a special occasion, other than that of the Triplezmom-is-going-insane variety. What last night was really about, in fact, was this morning. Last night was nice because we ate dinner while watching Ugly Betty and I didn't eat any vegetables. Or anything that would set a good example for my children.
But today was even better because I slept until after 9am. Then I just made one breakfast (Hot Guy's ability to sleep late is legendary, I will have to wake him to go to grandma and grandpa's) and read Time magazine while I ate it. Now I'm blogging with no interruptions (you'd think this would be a better blog, wouldn't you?).
I wonder if I could convince my parents to take them EVERY Saturday?
I've had two nights away from Julia since she was born - both last March when Dave took me away for our anniversary. I think I have another night off coming due!
I'm glad you enjoyed it. You deserve it!
Leslie, you definitely deserve another night off! You need a "babymoon" before number two arrives.
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