
Soap Opera Sunday, Episode 1

The whole entire idea for this post is from Brillig. She and Kateastrophe do this wonderful thing on Sundays called Soap Opera Sundays, where they post about dramas from their pasts. Lots of other great bloggers do it too, so it's really addictive. I'd been toying with the idea of joining in, but something would always distract me. But this week Brillig posed a question that reminded me of the following story, so I knew it was time for me to brave the waters.

Soap Opera Sunday, Episode 1

When I moved to Kansas City, I was 27 and newly separated. I moved to KC for three reasons: because I got what I thought was my ideal teaching job there, because my ex-husband wasn't too far away in case the separation didn't take and because I was afraid to move back into my parents' house in New Jersey.

After the first four months, I realized how happy I was without my ex, so I suggested a divorce. Slowly I started to get my self-esteem back. I made some friends and had two suburban sports bars where I felt comfortable. I volunteered and joined the art museum's young members group. I even started pseudo dating. His name was Brad and he too was recently divorced. We were little more than good friends, really, but people assumed we were dating and that was okay with me. He was attractive and funny, but there was something missing between us.

Not that I was in any rush to become romantically entangled with anyone again. Especially after my  friend T got dumped and went on a singles scene rampage. Suddenly the suburban bars weren't good enough for her and she dragged me to Kelly's in Westport - one of the biggest pick-up spots in the Western hemisphere. After buying our trough-like beers, we spotted an empty table. Then T needed to go to the bathroom and R went to find chairs for our table. My job was to guard the beers from Roofie spilling sickos.

Naturally two seconds after the others left a sleazy older (I thought of him as "older" then, he probably wasn't actually much over forty, which doesn't seem so old now) guy slid over to me and started talking. I panicked when I realized that my usual suburban bar tactics (escape to the bathroom, get an acquaintance to get rid of him) wouldn't work. I couldn't carry the three troughs of beer anywhere, and I didn't want to lose the table. I started dropping hints that I wasn't interested, but sleazy guy didn't notice. He even took a step closer and I couldn't move away because I had to stand between him and our beers.

Then I looked up and saw a cute guy shuffling through the narrow aisle nearby. He was looking at me and I decided to take a chance. "Honey!" I called as I waved to him frantically. As he came closer, I realized that he was a very young cute guy. A possibly not even old enough to be in the bar cute guy. Would he get what was going on?

Sleazy guy leaned over and said to my chest, "Is that your------" and then all of a sudden I was being kissed.

Cute young guy had swooped in and grabbed me like I was a heroine in a romance novel. I hadn't been kissed like that in years. By the time we came up for air, sleazy guy was gone. "I think you owe me a favor," said cute young guy.


Thalia's Child said...

Awesome! You gotta love a guy who'll save a damsel in distress!

Luisa Perkins said...

This is a great beginning! I'm so glad you gave in to Brillig's temptation. What a great guy. I can't wait for the rest of the story.

Jen of A2eatwrite said...

GREAT start! I can't wait to find out what happens next... and, um, maybe he owes YOU a favor, lol!

Brillig said...

AAAAAAHHHHH!!!! OH MY GOSH! Okay, I'm SO glad you decided to join SOS. And this story? AAAAHHHHH!!! It's like one of those moments that every woman (or, you know, at least *I*) fantasize about. Gahhhh! I love it, I love it, I love it!!!!!

Marci B. said...

I had NO IDEA that things like that happened in real life!! I am totally on the edge of my seat, waiting to hear the next part of the story. (and you tell it so well!!). Can't wait :)

zoloftmom said...

ooooh. that's awesome. and sexy!!! can't wait to find out what the favor is...

Summer said...

Oooo, I can't wait for more!!

Kateastrophe said...

WOAHHH! That's a kiss we all dream of!

Trish said...

I'm totally going to fantasize about that scenario tonight when I go to bed... it'll be me, and George Clooney.

Fourier Analyst said...

Welcome to SOS. You definitely have the cliffhanger tactic down pat! Can't wait for Episode 2! Now admit it, isn't this fun?!

Kellie said...

Oh my goodness!! What a great story! So was the young guy a good kisser?

Dory said...

*got goosebumps*

Jerseygirl89 said...

Summer - Glad you liked it.

Kate - It WAS a pretty good kiss.

Trish - George Clooney, that's a great idea. Think anyone'll believe me if I rewrite with him instead?

Fourier - It is SO fun! I'm so glad I did it.

Kellie - In retrospect, I'd have to say that he was just pretty good.

Dory - really? Thank you for saying so.

Sarcastic Mom (aka Lotus) said...

That is such a great story!!!

I'm on to part 2 now....

Leslie said...

Fabulous story! Just awesome. I can't wait to hear more. You've got a knack for this!

Kateastrophe said...

WOAHHH! That's a kiss we all dream of!

Summer said...

Oooo, I can't wait for more!!

Luisa Perkins said...

This is a great beginning! I'm so glad you gave in to Brillig's temptation. What a great guy. I can't wait for the rest of the story.