
Do Preschools Have Prom Queens?

Yesterday when I went to pick Ironflower up from school, Mrs.G told me all about what a good day and a good disposition she had. She did mention her stubborn streak, (I think it's more like a stubborn column, but teachers are supposed to be positive) but she also talked about how well Ironflower has adjusted to school, how well she got along with everyone and that she'd been the line leader that day. I'd never heard so much detail about Ironflower's day before. Then Mrs.G mentioned that she had a list of things she wanted for the Halloween party - could she run in and get it so I could organize everything?

Of course I said sure.

If I have to be the Martha Stewart of class mothers so that my daughter gets treated properly, than that's how it'll be. Because I am now totally convinced that Mrs.G's favorites are those whose parents help Mrs.G. And while that ticks me off in so many ways there's not a lot I can do about it. Except be super-helpful.

I learned a lot about Ironflower yesterday. We went out to lunch with a few moms and kids from her class, then we all went to a park. The other moms reported how much they heard about Ironflower from their kids - what they like to play together, how much they all like her hair, how funny she is. Which is great, but I couldn't reciprocate. Ironflower says nothing about the other kids, except that they are all her friends and she plays with all of them. I'm not sure if this is sweet or if she is already campaigning for prom queen.


Trish said...

I miss being able to be the Martha Stewart. I used to bake something for morning tea every Friday, and if there was a theme to their learning (dinosaurs, bugs, turtles or goldfish) I could whip up a cake in the appropriate shape. The teachers loved me and I loved being part of things in my daughter's classroom. Now, with both kids in primary school and me at work every day, I don't have time for any of that sort of thing, I don't even help out with reading in the classroom once a term. I really envy the mums who have time for that stuff, and not just because of the relationship they develop with their children's teacher as a result.

Leslie said...

Being a class parent isn't a bad price to pay for getting all the scoop about your daughter. I think it's great you got to hear about Ironflower through the other parents. It's good to get another perspective. It sounds like she's doing just great.