
A Post From Hubby

Technically, you can find me on MySpace. (Go ahead and be my friend, though, because you can never have too many friends on MySpace) I don't spend a lot of time there. But Hot Guy keeps in touch with a lot of his friends and fans that way. Apparently after filling out survey after survey, sent by well-meaning (but none too mature) friends, Hot Guy lost it.

I'm not going to repost the whole (100 item long! Who has time for that?) survey, but I am going to repost some highlights, complete with Hot Guy's answers. Because even though he doesn't know where the hamper is (or his keys, or the extra diapers, or - ack, nevermind, that's another post), he makes me laugh like nobody else.

14] What did you say last?
Eviscerate the proletariat!

35] When's your birthday?
when I was born- DUH

42] AIM or MSN?
How about WTF? Ever use that one?

55] What type of person do you usually fall for?
one with a hidden pit- dammit...

60] Did you take a nap today?

66] Could you handle being in the military?
Heh- I handle the military every day- miss you SGT Jenkins!*kisses*

69] Last time you went to the gym or worked out?
Well, Gym and I worked out the M theory of time/space continuum and we failed to find the Hawking paradox juxtaposed with what Einstein theorized. But we are gonna snort opium and try again Tuesday. I like cherries!

70] How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Pairs? The math is too difficult- what, do you think I am?--- into quantum physics or something? FUCK!

72] Ever been to Las Vegas?
Well, uh, she said I found it a couple times...

73] What are you doing today?
finishing my dissertation

78] Do you have a favorite cartoon character?
Burt Reynolds

80] How's the weather?

81] Do you e-mail?
***I cannot even find a bullshit, idiot, mindless rum-induced response to the idiocy of whomever wrote this fucking infantile question ON AN E-MAIL/FRIENDSPACE COMMENT!***

Now I'm really hoping someone sends me a survey. If you've got one, e-mail me. And if you have any hostile answers to add, please share!

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