
Possession or Horrifying Illness?

There's something wrong. With my children. Possibly the cold that's been lingering around our house is really a devastating virus, as it's also knocked Hot Guy on his behind. But his exhaustion is nothing compared to what's happened to my children.

Today, at the playground, my children sat on the bench with me and had a snack. They SAT DOWN AT THE SAME TIME at the playground, people. Granted, until that point they kept running in opposite directions so often that I just stood in the middle of the playground, pivoting in the mulch. But then they had their snack. Calmly. Together. And when I mentioned that we'd have to go soon, Ironflower said, "We can go now, mommy." Only after I realized that Ironflower was peering into my gaping mouth did I realize that I had to speak. I figured that I could at least rely on Lovebug to make a fuss, but when I asked him if he was ready to go, he simply said, "Yah."

Then my dash away in parking lots/throw tantrums at transitions/highly energetic and passionate children held my hands and walked to our car.

That has never happened before. Clearly, something is very wrong with them. Either they have been possessed or they are gravely ill. I mean, surely this isn't the way that normal toddlers act? There must be something wrong. I'm just not sure how to explain it to the pediatrician.


Jerseygirl89 said...

I hadn't even thought of that - it's obviously an evil plan on their part to tease me with the idea of well-behaved children. Good point.

Merry Jelinek said...

My mom once took my brothers and me to a nice dinner at a restaurant with a live jazz band. This was obviously more for my mother's enjoyment than ours, considering I was only about six, which would make my brothers seven and nine...

The waitress actually gushed about how well behaved her children were - we didn't make a peep the whole time, even in the face of 'adult' food.

The next day she found out we were all coming down with chicken pox... grave illness, better than benedrill for keeping the little buggers behaved;-)

Jerseygirl89 said...

Merry - great story! I'm so glad Ironflower has had her chicken pox vaccine, otherwise I'd be really worried!

silken said...

did you happen to hear the theme to "Twilight Zone" playing in the background? that would be a sure clue then... :)

Jerseygirl89 said...

Silken - not this time, but I'm sure I will if it ever happens again!

Leslie said...

I'd be suspicious. The last time Julia was so agreeable, she'd attacked the piano with permanent marker and I just hadn't discovered it yet. I agree that you should BEWARE!

Jerseygirl89 said...

Leslie- I've been on hyper-alert, but other than drawing on the wrong parts of their easel (which is plastic and cost off $10 on Craigslist), I can't find anything. Is there a way to get permanent marker off of a piano?