
I Know It's All My Fault

To call Ironflower a drama queen would be a disservice. I was (am?) a drama queen, Ironflower is a drama empress. Her attitude goes something like this, why be quiet when you can talk and why talk when you can shriek? When angry, she growls, stomps and then howls. But her latest emotion is sadness. Everything makes her SO sad. Things that once rolled off her back, like not getting more M&M's, cause her to look down, sigh and mope over to the couch.

It would be funny if she didn't also use her sadness to avoid doing things like cleaning up or walking up the stairs. "I need you to do it, I'm too sad!" she proclaims several times a day. Then she starts to cry. This means that I have to wait for the drama to pass before we can clean up, since Lovebug is just not that much of a helper yet. This means that I have to carry both of them up and down the stairs, since Lovebug hates feeling left out. This means that everything is a negotiation.

She will not be three until December. I keep telling myself that this is just a phase. I'm keep telling myself that it's good she's in touch with her emotions. Except that when she is TRULY sad she is quiet, so it's really more that she's in touch with people's reactions. But my sympathy is quickly turning to frustration.

I've always tried to her honor her feelings. How was I supposed to know that this would turn her into a monster?

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