
Dancing Queen

When I got the latest blog blast assignment from the Parentbloggers, I laughed. What in the world did I have to say about staying active? My mother exercises more than I do. But when I checked out the Ryka sneakers involved, I decided to give it a shot. Because the sneakers are seriously cute and I could use some seriously cute apparel in my life. Not to mention motivation to work out.

Because of my children's sleep habits, our tight budget that doesn't allow gym membership and my inability to get up at 5am, I have to work out WITH my children. This effectively eliminates all the Pilates moves I used to do, as any time Lovebug sees an adult on the floor he takes it as an invitation to jump on said adult. For the record, twenty-five pounds of toddler can, in fact, bruise your kidney. With Pilates out and free weights banned (yes, a toddler can lift an eight pound weight over his head and drop it on your toe), the only exercise I get is of the aerobic variety.

For a while I was forcing the kids into the stroller and walking them to the local park. (No, my children will not stand for a walk that does not involve them getting out somewhere and doing something fun) Naturally on these excursions I dressed in workout gear and put my hair in a ponytail. Sometimes I would even sweat. Ooops. The other women at this park wear skirts. And cute shoes (see? This is why I need to win those Ryka sneakers). And although I startled one of the children of the cute moms by actually climbing on the equipment with Lovebug, ("Moms can't do that!" he exclaimed), their cold shoulder at my sloppiness is disheartening day after day.

So the kids and I have "dancing time". We learn body parts by shaking them and sing along with the Wiggles. It's not dignified, and it probably doesn't burn as many calories as my walks, but I bet it makes me laugh harder than anyone else does while working out.


silken said...

we even used to take all the cushions off the couch and pile them up w/ some extra pillows and jump all over them. and I bet that dancing time burns more calories than you think! keep dancin' mama! :)

Leslie said...

Julia and I have Dance Party Time! It's a great stress reliever, too.

Congrats on the shoes, too!

Jerseygirl89 said...

Silken, Motherhood, Leslie - Thank you!

silken said...

we even used to take all the cushions off the couch and pile them up w/ some extra pillows and jump all over them. and I bet that dancing time burns more calories than you think! keep dancin' mama! :)