
Disjointed Ramblings of A City Girl

"Vacationing" with toddlers is an oxymoron. We have been gone for over a week now and today is the first day I really feel like I'm on vacation. That's because Ironflower and Lovebug are at the farm torturing their grandparents and I have driven to KC to use the internet and shop. Well, seeing as the trip is way more expensive than expected (aren't they always), the highlight will be internet usage.

My in-laws live in the country and have no internet access. They also don't have much luck with cell phones, despite the new tower. My kids adore their grandparents and the feeling is more than mutual, but I'm a wreck. I'm having a very hard time living without the internet. Theoretically, I could write and then post when I got the chance but I haven't written anything worthwhile. Maybe it's the fear of the kids breaking one of grandma's pretties (this is not unfounded) and maybe it's the fact that I just finished A Thousand Splendid Suns (so good).

Hot Guy is so refreshed being in the country and the kids are quite happy. I love my in-laws, but I am not a country person. I can appreciate being able to see the stars so clearly, but that pales in comparison to being able to use the internet. Or to walk to the store. You would think that as much as other people get on my nerves that I would relish being so far away from them. But all it does is make me think of all the horror movies I watched in junior high in the '80's.

I'm probably going to hell for this blog. I feel so guilty about being so cranky there. I'm sure that's why Hot Guy sent me up here today. I've tried to hide it, but he knows me a little too well.
I hope today helps.

Things I've meant to blog about lately but haven't gotten a chance:

Lovebug said his first sentence (at 17 months, I think this is pretty good for a boy). He pointed to himself in the mirror and said, "I'm in there" (well, actually it sounded more like "Um indere").

Ironflower now says "Leave me alone!" whenever she's pooping, regardless of whether anyone is talking to her or not. I hope this bodes well for potty training.

We stayed in the trashiest motel on our way here. It seemed okay until we started observing the other guests. That's what we get for trying to save money. I tried to look at it as a sociological observation, but when a couple started having sex in the pool as soon as we got out (as her elementary school aged daughter pouted on a lounge chair), I started to lose it. The kids have never gotten such a thorough bath. And I wouldn't let them wear their bathing suits again until we washed the suits at grandma's. Ick.

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