
And Next Year's Vacation Will Be. . .

Next year I am not bringing the children with me on vacation. Hot Guy can fly out to his parents' house with them, while I take a leisurely drive BY MYSELF. That will be my vacation. Alone in the car for hours on end, blasting my own music and not having to share my M&M's (a candy so popular on this trip that Lovebug taught himself to say it). After spending a few days at my in-laws' (and after investing in an iPhone so I can blog while in the country), I will then begin my leisurely drive back home. Upon returning, I will rest and organize the house until Hubby flies back with the kids.

Then life will get back to normal and I will actually feel rested instead of stressed out. I cannot express how happy I am to be home, though. Being gone for more than two weeks is just too much. Though not for Ironflower - she was terribly disappointed when she found out that we would be sleeping at home and not at a hotel last night. She rebounded admirably when she remembered all the toys she has here at home though. Lovebug, after screaming fits in his car seat (though, really, by yesterday I was tempted to join him) and waking us all at un-Godly hours and generally being a serious challenge has morphed into the sweet little boy he can be.

I now understand why people take vacations WITHOUT their children. I never really did before. As a new mother, I heard about a mom of a three month old who went to the Caribbean for a week. I couldn't imagine wanting to be away from my newborn for so long (not to mention the lack of breastfeeding involved) and while I still can't imagine needing a vacation from a tiny baby, toddlers are a different matter all together. While I know that if Hot Guy and I did escape somewhere tropical we'd spend the whole time talking about the kids and imagining which sights they'd like best, I'm ready for the chance to miss them.


silken said...

taking two little ones for over two weeks is pretty stressful. glad you are home and good luck getting back into your routine.

my husband and I took a trip this year w/o our kids, for our 20th anniversary. our kids are 11 & 14 and we thoroughly enjoyed getting our chance to miss them. and yes, we spent much time saying how much they would enjoy this, or have loved that, and yes, "next time we gotta bring the kids"

I know it feels good to be home again...

Jerseygirl89 said...

Silken - It's GREAT to be home again. And I think I'd really like a parents vacation, especially when the kids are old enough to tell me everything that happened while I was gone.