
Super Mommy Strikes Again

Soon after I had Ironflower, a family friend gave me an informative book called The New Basics. It has lots of sensible answers to the questions of every new (and not so new) parent. It is written by a very hip New York pediatrician, Dr. Michel Cohen.

I liked it. It stopped me from freaking out over many silly things and doubtless saved us much money and angst. So when the kids got a diaper rash recently, I turned to it. My kids have never really had diaper rashes. A little redness easily cured by vigilant diaper changing and medicated powder. This time that didn't work. I think the virus they caught, with its bowel emptying germs, was really causing the problem. I tried Desitin and Aveeno cream to protect their skin. Nothing seemed to be working. So I referred to Dr. Cohen.

He suggested "diaper-free" time. Well, I thought, it's summer. We can play diaper-less time in the backyard. I'll use plastic bags like the dog walkers. But of course I looked outside and saw the "danger" flags put up by the complex gardeners. I swear that they put poison on our lawns every week. I wonder if we can opt out? Anyway, I knew then that diaper free time would have to be inside.

I covered the couches with towels and rolled up a rug. Then I let the kids go free. Lovebug had intermittent diarrhea. I spent an hour chasing him around armed with wipes, paper towels and floor cleaner (he didn't go on the towel covered and easily cleaned couch once, the stinker). Apparently, it is possible for a toddler to run when his bowels are exploding. Just in case you've been wondering.

Ironflower had no bowel movements, fortunately. Periodically she would yell, "I peed!" in the same tone of voice she uses at the playground, "I climbed to the top!". At least for her I just needed wipes and paper towels.

After about two hours, I couldn't take it anymore. I loaded on the medicated powder and put loose diapers back on. That night, I noticed that the rashes looked better. I steeled myself for another session of diaper free time the next day. But my children are tough. By the next morning the rashes hardly even looked like rashes anymore. I didn't have to host diaper free time again.

But I guess I will if I have to. Although, does anyone know about a cream I could use next time?

1 comment:

carrie said...

jen- cora had a bad rash last week. (too much playing in the sand and water at the lake.) we tried balmex and diaper-free time, but what worked after only one try was called "magic cream". it is prescription only, so ask your doc. a friend who was visiting keeps it in the diaper bag. i will definitely be asking cora's doc for a prescription when we go to her next checkup.