
It's All Down Hill From Here

We enrolled Ironflower in preschool yesterday. I did not even tear up. She has been telling random strangers that she's going to school soon and her joy is infectious. I may feel differently when I actually have to leave her there, of course, but for right now I can't wait for her to go. She will thrive and I will only have to manage Lovebug at the park on those days. It's fun for everybody.

The paperwork involved was not as much fun. I did not mind writing our address, phone numbers and emergency contacts over and over again. Goddess knows I made enough parents do it when I was a teacher. But the personal questionnaire was harder. Having been a teacher, I was terribly afraid of writing anything that could prejudice the teachers in any way.

When it asked if I had any concerns, I did not mention that I worry that Ironflower will throw temper tantrums that shake the school. When it asked how much TV she watches, I did not mention the days she watches 3 shows, I only mentioned the days she watches 1. When it asked if she would need help in the bathroom, I did not explain how she will first have to be convinced that she needs help.

In short, I lied. On her preschool forms. I keep telling myself that this does not mean I will become one of those parents who fakes the reading logs or does the homework, but I'm not convinced. This is a slippery slope and I'm not wearing hiking boots.


Mama Zen said...

Oh, wow! I know just exactly what you mean. I'm a former teacher, too, and I wondering if I'm going to be one of "those" parents!

writermama said...

She'll love it and then she'll love school and then that will mean 13 more years of happy schooling. No worries. Of course, there will be rough days too. But they will be few and far between.

writermama said...

She'll love it and then she'll love school and then that will mean 13 more years of happy schooling. No worries. Of course, there will be rough days too. But they will be few and far between.