

Last night I watched a bit of the MTV Movie Awards. I like Sarah Silverman and there was nothing else on. I only caught the last half hour or so, so I missed Kevin Smith, but I did get to see Johnny Depp. And Samuel L. Jackson. And Bruce Willis. And Mike Myers. And John Travolta.


What the hell are all these people my age and older doing at the MTV movie awards?

Johnny Depp doesn't show up at the Golden Globes but he shows up for MTV? Granted, they actually gave him an award, but still. Those of us who can remember the first day of MTV are not exactly its demographic anymore. I suppose its cool that MTV thought teenagers would respond to all of these adults, but I wonder whose idea it was. Did MTV call John Travolta, or did his publicist call MTV?

If it's the latter, I'm sad. One of the things I like about being in my thirties (and I believe John is considerably older than I am) is that I no longer have to worry about being trendy. I like knowing what's cool but if I don't really like Arcade Fire, I don't have to listen to them (flashback to 1985 and listening to the Dead Kennedys because everyone else was). I had fun as a teenager, but I don't want to be one again. And I'm glad I don't have to pander to them, either.

I'm trying to remember the "older" movie stars of my youth. Michael Douglas, maybe. But I don't recall ever seeing him on MTV. Thank Goddess. It's one thing to know that American teenagers run popular culture, it's another to have to act like you like them.

Guys, I'm so sorry.


Leslie said...

When I catch a little MTV these days, I am completely annoyed, and I wonder if I was that annoying when I was in my MTV days. My mother says, "YES."

blackshear said...

Pandering indeed. John T can't have Hairspray debut at #1 unless he solicits the tween and teen demographic. Did anyone see Dustin Hoffman at the Oscars a few years ago trying to be cool and failing?