
Loser Mommy

Let's be clear about a few things before I tell my story. I am thirty pounds overweight. My clothes that fit are all from Target and Old Navy. I desperately need a good haircut and to do my roots. I could use a pedicure. I look like a stereotypical mom from the mid-west.

So anyway, here I am in the suburbs of NYC, where women carry Coach diaper bags. Where even the friendly ones are wearing yoga pants from Nordstrom. They never seem to be bothered by what their children do (or do not) do. They are always calm and well put together. I'm not surprised that I haven't met any new BFFs. But I know there are other losers lurking around here somewhere. I just have to find them.

Anyway, yesterday I took the kids to the park in the next town. We met a mom and her two little girls. Ironflower immediately became enchanted with the older girl and they ran off to play. The mom and I chatted while we pushed the younger ones in the swings. And even though she was skinny with a nice haircut and cute clothes, I liked her. Eventually Ironflower wanted to go to the other side of the park. I waved good-bye to the nice woman as I followed Ironflower and Lovebug to the other area. Once there, Lovebug kept trying to climb the too-high ladder. After distracting him successfully (I thought), he began a tantrum. He rolled in the dirt, cried, kicked when I picked him up and when I put him down. It sucked.

Ironflower continued to play during her brother's meltdown, but then she began asking about a snack. I explained (while wrestling with Lovebug) that we would be leaving in five minutes to go have lunch. Ironflower continued to ask for snack and reject the idea of lunch, I continued to deny her. I decided it was time to leave. As we walked to the parking lot, I had Lovebug on my hip, facing out so he couldn't kick me. We were both covered in dirt. Ironflower was hanging off of my other arm, protesting loudly about her dislike of the concept of lunch. My ponytail had fallen out and my hair was frizzing everywhere.

That's when the nice lady drove by and paused. She rolled down her window as if to say something, then paused in horror. Her own little girls were sitting quietly in her backseat. "Ummm, nice chatting with you!" she called as her tires squealed and she roared down the park road.

Another one bites the dust.


silken said...

I had my haircut this weekend for the first time in six months, and I don't have toddlers anymore.

surely it is better to be the loser mommy now when they are little than the loser mommy when they are bigger...hang tough!

Merry Jelinek said...

It could be worse... at least she didn't point and laugh ;-)

I buy my clothes at old navy and target, too... I do get in to get my hair done three or four times a year... so it looks nice the day I went to the beauty shop but the rest of the time it's pulled up in a clip or pony tail... hey, mine's wavy, which means frizzy in humidity, and this being Chicago, humidity is constant.

It took me a year and a half to loose all of the weight I gained having children (I've gained ten pounds back that I'm trying to lose again) but size wise I don't think I'm doing that bad - I still look like a rag half the time. The weight isn't it, the clothes might come from anywhere, it's how you feel about yourself that does it...

If I'm feeling good, it doesn't matter what I'm wearing or what the other ladies are doing, But when I'm down on myself, I feel like the only frumpy mommy in a sea of brilliance... I think it's all in your own outlook.

Leslie said...

I can totally relate to this! Honestly, where are all the normal moms out there? I can't find them either.

Anonymous said...

This sounds like my life 15 years ago! It does get better, I promise. Love ya and hang in there. Your favorite cousin

silken said...

I had my haircut this weekend for the first time in six months, and I don't have toddlers anymore.

surely it is better to be the loser mommy now when they are little than the loser mommy when they are bigger...hang tough!