
C'mon, You Know You Want To

I couldn't think of anything to blog about. . .I lie. I couldn't think of anything I wanted to blog about so I decided to read other people's blogs. Fortunately, I found this on BlogHore, Goddess bless her.

I too will not tag anybody, but if you are interested (or feeling lazy), please do it and let me know about it!

1. Are you taller than your mom?

No, I'm 5'2. I'm only taller than the Roloffs. (That's the family on Little People, Big World).

2. What color is your car?

3. What is the closest thing to you that is red?
The pen sitting next to the laptop.

4. What is your ringtone?
It depends on who's calling me - it can be Led Zeppelin's Rock and Roll, one of the songs from Rent or the Muppets' theme.

5. Are you sick?
Only when I think about the President and his cronies.

6. What color is your favorite pillow?
My pillows are all white and I change the cases regularly so I have no idea - it could be purple, lavender or green right now.

7.What is your favorite video game?
Does NTN Trivia count? If not, I'll say Madden football - at least I've played it within the last ten years.

8. Had a nap today?

9. Gold or Silver?
White Gold.

10.Is there an animal that creeps you out?
A lot of animals creep me out. Worms are the worst, though.

11.Who was the last person you rode an elevator with?
My kids - they're the only ones I ever ride with. The double stroller repels other riders.

12. Did you go iceskating as a kid?
Not successfully.

13. Ever have stitches?
Yes, my shoulder when I had a mole removed and some when I stepped on broken glass. Oh, and those ENORMOUS STAPLES I got for two c-sections - those count, don't they?

14. Favorite non-alcoholic drink?
Diet Pepsi.

15. How long ago did you kiss someone?
This morning.

16. What's something you want to do before you die?
Drink wine with my grandchildren. In Italy.

17. Have you ever caught something on fire?

18. Have you ever seen a ghost?
I've been around them, but never seen them.

19.Have you ever seen the northern lights?
No, but I will.

20. Do you know how to use chop sticks?
In theory.

21. Name something good that happened today.
Ironflower cooperated while I did her ponytails and Lovebug cooperated while I brushed his teeth.

22. What room are you in?
My kitchen.

23. Are you worried about something you can't control?
Of course.

24. Do you take daily medications?
Only vitamins and allergy meds.

25. Ever been in a fight?
Not a physical one.

26. Are you wearing nailpolish?
Only on my toes.

27. Favorite color?
Purple, green and black.

28. Innie or Outie?
29. Ever used a Ouija board?
One of my favorite activities in sixth grade.

30. Sweet or Sour?
31. Sun or Moon?

32. What shoes did you wear today?
Black Merrell flipflops.

33. Favorite eye color of the opposite sex?

34. Most important quality in any relationship?

35. Favorite zombie movie?
Shaun of the Dead

36 Time of day you were born?
Morning - around 8am, I think.

37. Do you know your blood type?
A positive. I never knew it until I got pregnant.

38. What would you spend 5000 dollars on right now if you were handed it?
Bills, savings and one fantastic night out.

39. Name something annoying in public transit?
The other people.

40. Did you grow up in the city or country?
Suburbs. Definitely more city than country.

41. Would you ever consider going on a reality tv show if offered a large sum of money?
Well, I actually want to go on What Not To Wear. . .other than that, probably not.

42. Have you flown in your dreams?
Many, many times.
43. Hugs or kisses?
44. You have 10 dollars to spend in the dollar store..what do you get?
Toys for the kids.

45. Slurpee flavor?
I don't like Slurpees, I'd much rather have a Big Gulp.


Leslie said...

I'm a Big Gulp girl, too.

Leslie said...

I'm a Big Gulp girl, too.