
Bad Mommy, Part 687

I've spent the last two afternoons visiting preschools (instead of blogging). I just want somewhere fun, safe and educational to send both kids three mornings a week. Ironflower is very mentally ready for school and I think Lovebug needs the social/independent time. But apparently my desire for part-time preschool for such small children is weird. Most of the preschools around here close for the summer and won't take someone Lovebug's age.

So I started checking out the preschool/daycare centers. They are lovely, with wonderful curricula and great playgrounds. But my Goddess, they cost an arm and a leg. And both assistant directors I talked to kept telling me about nap time until I reminded them that my kids would be leaving before nap time. I guess they don't have a lot of part-time kids.

Part of me feels guilty for even thinking of sending Lovebug to school at all. He's only fifteen months old. But beyond my need to actually do real work from home (as opposed to snatched moments of blogging), I think Lovebug needs more exposure to other kids. And to other loving adults. He's pretty independent when he can see me, but he won't let other people near him (including grandparents) most of the time. I know school would help with it. Ironflower, at two and a half going on ten, needs school more than I need for her to go.

I suppose I'll feel guilty no matter what we do - that seems to be a common mommy feeling for me.

1 comment:

Merry Jelinek said...

Social interaction is really the biggest benefit to any school at this age. I'm not sure about pre-school, because most pre-school classes are for three and four year olds, unless it's different near you. I had really good luck with our park district when our kids were toddlers. They had mommy and me and out on your own classes, as well as a day care - which was great for the moms who liked using the gym facilities or just getting an hour or two of work in.