
Aerobic Parenting

We went to a Luau Party today. It was hosted and organized by some wonderful women from one of my mommy meetups. (I love Meetup.com) It should have been fun. It was fun for the kids - until it was time to leave. Lovebug started fussing after we'd been there for about an hour and a half. That's his time limit on parks, playdates, restaurants, etc. When I explained to Ironflower that it was time to leave, she began fussing in her own inimitable way (yelling "No!" and running away). I thought I would be stuck there all afternoon, trying to drag one child and then the other (Lovebug did not want to walk on his own) to the car. I was sweating by the time I strapped Ironflower in.

I can't help but wonder why my children seem so much more . . .um. . passionate than other children. Why do my kids always run in opposite directions? Why do my kids run when they could walk, yell when they could whisper, argue when they know they can't change my mind? Am I just more incompetent than other mothers, or are my children especially high-spirited?

Yesterday we went to play with the little boy down the street. He just turned three and he is fascinated with the guys expanding his parents' patio. He went out to watch them, so we joined him. Naturally my kids couldn't just watch, they had to start playing with the extra dirt. And mix it with water. And create buckets of mud. And protest loudly when separated from said buckets. Lovebug even managed to get dirt in my mouth, so valiant was his struggle against being carried away from mud heaven. Meanwhile, my neighbor's son affably went along with all of his mother's suggestions and requests.

You'd think I'd be skinnier.

1 comment:

blackshear said...

Its called will power and heart. Your kids have it and these same qualities that cause you to eat dirt sandwiches will keep them from following peer presure or being taken advantage of by a leacherous boyfriend. Your not doing anything wrong, your just more honest about your situation than most......