
My Talking Prodigy

My daughter is almost two and a half. She is beautiful (no, really, strangers tell me so all the time), spirited and smart. I love her to distraction. But sometimes I really, really wish she would stop talking. Just for five minutes or so.

Last summer we visited my cousin, who has a son about ten months older than Ironflower. He was two and a half to her twenty months, and I remember being so glad that Ironflower didn't talk all the time like G. did. I actually thought it was a personality thing, not a developmental thing. Haha on me.

Someday she will be a sullen teenager and I will not be privy to every thought she is having. I will look back fondly at this time, as I try to unobtrusively eavesdrop on the conversations she has with friends. But that time is not here yet. And today I'm rather looking forward to it.

My daughter doesn't merely have monologues about the Backyardigans and the challenges of putting up with her one year old brother. Ironflower likes her monologues punctuated with appropriate one-liners from me. Always reminds me of helping Hot Guy practice lines for one Shakespearean tragedy or another. Miss those one or two lines from the other characters and poor hubby's practice is all messed up. Ironflower, too, feels messed up if I miss a line. If I have the audacity to ignore her (however briefly), she will just get louder and louder until I come up with the right response.

Sometimes I imagine that when my son learns to really talk, he will be able to take over these duties from me. I can see why Ironflower isn't satisfied with ess (yes), uh (up), dada, ice (rice) and ns (nurse). But then I think, what if he likes to talk as much as he does? What if I have to start listening to two toddlers' monologues ALL DAY?

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