
Insomniac Baby

Baby Destructo, aka , Lovebug,has been having trouble sleeping the past few. . oh heck, he's always had trouble sleeping. It used to be because he wanted to breastfeed all the time. But he's fourteen months old now - he's cut way back. (Did that make it sound like he's addicted? Good.)

While we went through the whole process of moving (which involved nights at the grandparents', motels and a new crib mattress) I was sympathetic to his nocturnal plight. He was disturbed by the new environments, by sharing the rooms, by his new teeth.

But we've been settled in for over six weeks. And he's not getting any new teeth. And he needs to stop getting up at 4am. At first, he would at least go back to sleep. Now he doesn't. He babbles, with periods of intense shrieking and/or crying, until he hears his sister wake up. Then he just babbles.

He's not getting enough sleep and neither am I. I've tried Ferberizing him. I've tried nursing him. I've done everything short of slipping Tylenol PM into his ravioli. And I'm starting to wonder if that would work.

It's not that he doesn't fall asleep on his own - he does. And it's not that he freaks out whenever he wakes in the night. I often hear him when I go to sleep - he babbles a bit and then settles right back down. And it's not that we put him to bed too early - he always acts sleepy at bedtime. But come 4 am, he's ready to go.

I am not a morning person. There's no way I can get up at 4 am. But I can't sleep well when I can hear him. I'm thinking ear plugs, maybe. Any ideas?

ETA: He's 8 now. He still gets up by 6, no matter when he's gone to bed the night before. But now at least he's quiet about it! 

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