
Free The Slaves

"There are more slaves today than were seized from Africa during the trans-Atlantic slave trade. "

"(Human Trafficking) is the third largest criminal industry in the world today, after arms and drug dealing, and is the fastest growing.

I normally blog here to have somewhere to vent my catty little comments about the world around me. And yet sometimes I remember that I am one lucking effing bitch. Because every single day thousands (millions?) of women and children are actually sold to people for sexual purposes. Not that I mean to denigrate the tragedy of those sold into domestic labor, but given a choice. . .

Anyway, our world still supports slavery. Big time. And it happens in a neighborhood I used to live in. It's not just something that happens other places.

I actually find it harder to accept that there's such a big market for terrorized women and children, not that there's a**holes out there willing to sell others to make a buck. Who are these men who buy women and children? JUST HOW MANY SOCIOPATHS ARE THERE IN THE WORLD?

I feel nauseous.

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