

My son has a huge bruise on his forehead. He whacked his head on the floor hard enough to leave a bruise. I would feel bad about this, if he had fallen or run into a table or something. But the little bugger whacked his head on the floor ON PURPOSE.

Seeing as he's only 13 months old, I hugged him and soothed him anyway. He really is an adorable and engaging child, unless he's pissed off. On this particular occasion, I had the audacity to sit him down on the floor so I could make lunch. Lovebug wanted to be held, or to eat immediately. With those options not available, he whacked his head on the floor.

He does this every few days or so, though not usually hard enough to leave a bruise. I have talked to pediatricians and grandmas about this and all they say is, "He's a boy." No one seems surprised that when my son is confronted with the normal frustrations of toddler life, he whacks his head on the floor.

Does this explain why men can't remember things like anniversaries or where the diaper bag is? Is it because they've all damaged the memory part of the lobe during toddlerhood?


Elizabeth Grace said...

That head banging thing is definitely a "boy behavior." My oldest grandson (now 21 months) did it for a while when he was younger. My daughter chose to ignore the show of temper, and he absolutely never got his way by smacking his head onto the floor, although he gave it a try for quite a while. The kid is smart though, after just a few times of his head meeting their hardwood flooring, he would actually walk into a carpeted room of their house to smack his head down! Man brain!

Jerseygirl89 said...

That's too funny. So far Zach has not figured out to go to the carpet, but he's a very determined little person. I just hope he grows out of it or at least goes to the carpet before he does any permanent damage!

silken said...

there was a little girl, who had a little curl....

my daughter is one tough cookie when she chooses to be. When she was 9 months old, she got so angry, she basically hit her face on the ground (we were on rocks) and chipped her tooth.

When she was around 1, we took a mommy and me swim class. never again...she bit me because I would not put her down and let her do it herself....

she just turned 11 today.

when she's good, she's very, very good, when she's bad...

Jerseygirl89 said...

My daughter is the same way - not physically acting out (like her brother) but lots of trouble if you don't let her do everything herself. No matter how long it takes.

Jerseygirl89 said...

That's too funny. So far Zach has not figured out to go to the carpet, but he's a very determined little person. I just hope he grows out of it or at least goes to the carpet before he does any permanent damage!