
Why I Am Not a Teacher Anymore

Taken from an email I sent the last year I taught elementary school. I was eight months pregnant with Lovebug. 

7:30am Arrive at school. Grade papers, change bulletin boards and write lesson plans.

8:15 am Crazy, drunk parent who is not allowed to go to my classroom
shows up in there anyway, but fortunately I am in office and my
principal coerces him into the cafeteria (which is where he is
supposed to go anyway, to watch his violent child).

8:20am Crazy, drunk parent returns to my room (leaving child to hit
people in cafeteria) while I am at my desk. I manage to slip past him
and go into the cafeteria to find my principal.

8:25am Students enter classroom. Must explain to special ed child that
she is going to have a change her routine today and she needs to stay
in the classroom.

8:26am See 8:25 am.

8:28am See 8:25am

8:50am Finally receive bus list that must be filled out for the field
trip that we are going on in 5 minutes.

9:00am Take class into freezing rain to get on the bus. Must stand
outside in the rain to break up fight before getting on the bus.

9:25am As we file into W. high school to watch the Junior
League of Johnson County perform Pinocchio, the only parent attending tells me that I
"look like shit".

10:00am The worst play I have ever seen, including elementary school
performances, begins.

10:45am As I nod off, I am startled by the sounds of violent vomiting
behind me. Student vomits all over his coat as well as the coat and
shirt of student sitting next to him. Only one other (also eight months pregnant) teacher (even
though there are five others there) offers to help me alert custodian,
get student cleaned up and move the entire class as quickly and
quietly as possible.

11:00am Ride bus back to school holding onto sick student. Fortunately he does not actually throw up on me.

11:10am Return to school to find out that they still haven't figured
out a schedule for school picture day, even though it IS school
picture day.

12:05pm Lunch is delayed. But do find out that we will be taking
pictures at 12:45pm. Also find out that there is an assembly at 1:30
pm that principal forgot to mention.

12:50pm Bring students to photographer, who is not ready for us. Play
Simon Says to practice things like step vs. jump and up vs. down.

1:10pm Begin pictures.

1:30pm Assembly delayed, but fortunately students are in library
skills and it is not my problem. Continue grading papers.

2:10pm Room called to bring students to assembly, but since I do not
have my students, I cannot follow this direction. Go look for
students in the gym. They are not there.

2:20pm Find students. Bring them to assembly. Remind three of them
that we do not hit people just because they are not walking fast

2:50pm Must go get students now. Am frightened. Assembly still not over.

3:20pm Assembly still going strong, even though the buses will leave in five minutes and no students are packed up to go.

3:23pm Send all my bus riders out of the assembly to get their homework, backpacks and coats on their own.

3:26pm Jog back to classroom with the rest of the students. Make sure all have homework, coats and bookbags.

3:31pm Drunk parent from this morning now looks very tired. Smells bad. I wave cheerfully to campus police officer to make him go away.

3:37pm Where is T.'s grandfather?

3:40pm Go inside to call T.'s grandfather.

3:48pm All of my students have now been picked up. I am leaving.

3:51pm See four students who have not been picked up. No one is waiting with them. Feel responsible because some of them are my former students. Decide to wait with them.

4:10pm All students are picked up. Leave.


Anonymous said...

Sorry but this is kinda a dumb post. What's the point of it? It doesn't tell why you're not teaching, just that it sounds like your school is pretty messed up. Why is a drunk aloud to drive their child to child and pick them up and no one did anything about the fact that they are driving drunk!

Why would you have a field trip on photo day and the day there's a Assembly?

Triplezmom said...

Oh Anonymous, that's exactly the point. The school WAS messed up, obviously. And that's why I don't want to go back to teaching. Would you want to have days like that often with very little pay?