
Well, You Look Stupid

That's what I'd like to say to people when they tell me I look tired. It's one thing if my husband says it, or even my mother. But the lady at the grocery store does not have the right to tell me that.

I'm sure I do look tired. And people watching me with two rambunctious toddlers can probably guess that I'm tired. But what's the point of mentioning it? Unless they're about to offer free babysitting and housecleaning, there is no point. Other than to be. . .what's that word. . .hmmm. . .is it bitchy?

That sympathetic clucking noise is supposed to mask it, I think. But it doesn't - it IS bitchy to tell someone that she doesn't look good (after all, "tired" is not a compliment, is it?). Especially in a situation where she can't respond in kind. I suppose I could , but that's just not accepted social discourse, is it? It's okay to repeat a compliment right back at someone ("You look great!" "You too!") but no one ever does for tired. Or worn out. Or exhausted. Or stressed. Or any other comment that is actually an insult.

Well, I'm done with behaving appropriately. The next person who tells me I look tired is going to hear exactly what I think of his/her looks too. Decorum be damned. And the next time I see another tired mom and the supermarket, I'm going to tell her that she must be a great mom.


blackshear said...

Preach sista. You really should tell them "aww thanks for that, you look tired as well" people only try that passive agressive stuff because they know the average person isnt gonna go off the script.

blackshear said...

Preach sista. You really should tell them "aww thanks for that, you look tired as well" people only try that passive agressive stuff because they know the average person isnt gonna go off the script.